Mission Trip Resources
Check back soon for 2025 Mission Trip information and registration!
• Bridge Builders
(Spartanburg, SC)
Whatever your skill set, the Construction Ministry has a place for you, with plenty to do! Some examples include wheelchair ramps, replacement windows and doors, painting, minor renovations. Contact Jim Barrett at 47bb2sc@gmail.com for more information.
• Refuge
(Spartanburg, SC)
Sundays 8 – 10 am
Refuge is a ministry to those living in homelessness. Offering Christ’s love to precious people who are struggling to secure the basic necessities of life.
Showers begin at 7:30, Breakfast at 8:45, and Bible Study at 9:15
• The Bridge
(Spartanburg, SC)
The Bridge provides needed resources like food and clothes to families in need. The Bridge is open daily, Monday through Thursday, 9 AM to Noon. Visit www.fbs.org/bridge for more information.
• The Bridge Kids & Bridge Scholars
(Spartanburg, SC)
Contact Jacob Comer at jcomer@www.fbs.org to be a part of this growing afterschool program for children and middle schoolers in the Northside.
• Disaster Relief
Be a part of one of the largest disaster response teams in the US. Help people with food and debris clearing following major natural and manmade emergencies. Visit www.scbaptist.org/dr to sign up for Disaster Relief Training.