
Men’s Ministry

The purpose of FBS Men’s Ministry is to build men that love Jesus more than anything. We do that primarily through an ongoing Wednesday night men’s Bible study, opportunities to be mentored, and special events that are specifically for guys.

College + Young Adults

We strive to be a College and Young Adult ministry that makes much of Jesus, focusing on community and commission for the glory of God and the strength our local body, First Baptist Spartanburg.

Senior Adults

The mission of the Senior Adult Ministry of FBS is well illustrated by the 3 sides of a coin. The top side is bringing seniors to Christ and His family. The flip side is teaching other generations to honor and follow their faith and sacrifice. The edge is connecting seniors to every aspect of ministry and purpose.

Deaf Ministry

We want the Gospel and hope of Jesus to be accessible to all people. To care for those in the deaf community, we have dedicated services and life groups with sign language present.

Night To Shine

FEBRUARY 9, 2024


We are so excited to host Night to Shine, sponsored by @TimTebowFoundation on Friday, February 9, 2024!

All registrations are currently full. For more information, contact Larry McCullough

Special Needs

P139 is a ministry to individuals with special needs, their families, and their caregivers. We celebrate that by design we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Our passion is to demonstrate God’s love by offering a nurturing, accepting, and appropriate environment to friends with special needs. Our hope is that families will have a time of respite and an opportunity to worship and engage at FBS.