Weekday Preschool
FBS Weekday Preschool
8 WEEKS – 4K
Our Weekday Preschool program provides Christian education and childcare for infants 8 weeks old through 4K. We have a 9 or 12 month schedule available along with 3-day MWF or 5-day options that are 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM throughout the week.
There is an available early drop off option starting at 7:30 AM, but you must enroll for this and this option is space-permitting upon registration.
You, of course, are more than welcome to pick your child up earlier than 5:30 PM. However, we ask that you do so before they lay down for nap at 12:30 PM or after they wake up at 3:00 PM.
Please call for availability.
Contact Jennifer Gossett, Director at 864-699-4219.
Love to work with preschoolers?
We would love to talk with you! Part-time employment opportunities are available.
Forms for Registration
**We will also require an immunization record for your child to be enrolled.