Carolina Christian Writers Conference Dates for 2024  

March 8-9, 2024

For all writers





Fiction • Nonfiction • Article writing • Humor • Children’s writing • Mechanics of good writing


Book Proposals • Social Networking • Pitching to Editors and Publishers


Now is the time to realize your dream of being a published author. If you are a new writer who wants to learn how to break into the publishing world, or an experienced writer looking for new markets and wanting to network with other writers, this conference is for you. All writers can benefit from two days of learning, fellowship, worship, and encouragement.

Everyone has a story and it’s time to tell yours. Learn how to do that with excellence. Join us for two information and inspiration packed days as you spend time with editors, agents, publishers, and professional writers. Let them help you explore ways to share your story with others.

Conference Early Bird price $145 (by Feb 14, 2024)

Conference Regular price $165 (After Feb 14, 2024)

Conference One Day – $100



Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker is 

 Robert Whitlow

Robert Whitlow is a best-selling author of legal novels and winner of the prestigious Christy Award for Contemporary Fiction.

A practicing attorney, Whitlow and his wife, Kathy, have four children. They make their home in Charlotte, North Carolina.


2024 Faculty


Friday, March 8, 2024
  Schedule Subject to Change


9:30 – 11:30 AI and the Future of AI in Writing
10:30 – 11:30 Prearranged Appointments
1:00 – 1:25 Registration
1:30 – 2:30 Welcome and Instructions
  Staff Introductions
2:30 – 3:00 Appointment Sign-Up and Networking

3:00 – 3:55

4:05 – 5:00

Robert Whitlow

Workshop 1

  Making Your Writing More Marketable
  Organization for Writers at all Levels
  Podcasting: Take Your Talk to the Next Level
  Editing for Writers who Think Editing is a Pain
  One Stormy Night … Happily Ever After
  20 Insider Secrets to Writing a Best- selling Non-Fiction Book

Organizing and Fleshing Out your Nonfiction Book Idea


  The Importance of Fiction-Techniques in Nonfiction 
5:10 – 6:05 Workshop 2
  Poetry is Dead? No, It’s Alive and Growing!
  Social Media as a Ministry
  Street Teams and  Launch Teams – Do You Need Them?
  Reels, Shorts and Tik Toks- A How-To Guide to Boost Your Reach
  Royalties, Revenue, and Records – 12 Tips for Handling the Business Side of Writing
  Writing Bible Studies that Shine
  What Makes a Book Look Self-Published
6:10 – 6:40 Dinner – on your own (unless you paid for it ahead)




6:45 – 7:00


7:00 – 7:10

 7:10 – 8:00

8:00 – 8:30

8:40 – 9:15




Praise and Worship


Explanation of What are you Looking for

Robert Whitlow

 Book Signing 

 What are you Looking for




Saturday, March 9, 2024

Schedule  Subject to Change         

8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 Opening
9:15 Praise and Worship


9:30 – 10:15


Publishing Trends

10:25 – 11:20 Workshop 3
  Do I ReallyNeed an Agent
  Articles, Articles, Articles
  The Storyteller in You
  Using the Pyramid Method to Write Winning Articles Every Time
  Why this Book? Why Now?

Virtual Assistant: Need One? Be One

Tackling Tough Topics

The Importance of Your Pitch


11:30 – 12:00  
12:10–12:50 Lunch with Faculty
1:05 – 1:55
2:05 – 3:00 Workshop 4
  Introvert-Friendly Networking Session
   How to Prepare your Manuscript for Audiobook Success
  The Making of a Page-Turner

AI Demystified

  Writing Story Based Devotions

Make the most of your Speaking Opportunity

Sometimes Two Are Better Than One


Your Amazing Author Visit at Schools and Churches


3:10 – 4:00


Closing Session


4:00 – 4:15 Contest Awards
4:15 – 4:30 Closing Worship


Friday morning 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.  Cost $45 if registered by February 15, 2024, $60 if registered by February 29, 2024.


Friday Morning Workshop  

Workshop by Rhonda Robinson

Our Friday morning workshop this year is “AI and the future of AI in writing.”. This is not part of the conference but you are welcome to sign up for it. Rhonda Robinson will be teaching this amazing class, filled with knowledge and instruction and well worth your investment of $45. 


Welcome to the Conference Workshop:

Making the Most of the Conference

Attending your first writers conference is exciting, but it can also be a little intimidating and overwhelming. The Welcome to the Conference Workshop will be recorded again for the 2024 conference, it will be available on U-Tube and a link will be emailed to all conferees who have registered for the conference. It  is designed to help you learn what you will need for a successful conference. If you are registered for the conference and have not received the email on how to prepare for the conference by March 1, please contact John Gilden at




Friday Morning Workshop

“AI and the future of AI in writing.” by Rhonda Robinson

Rhonda Robinson will lead a Friday morning class – “AI and the future of AI in writing.” This is an optional class (there is a small additional charge) but gives you two and a half hours of intense training.

Explore the crossroads of faith, creativity, and technology. This workshop dispels fears around AI in the writing industry. We’ll uncover how AI can serve, not replace, God-given human creativity in crafting compelling narratives. As we navigate the ethical landscape of AI usage and look forward to future implications, we’ll delve into what it means to be a writer in the age of AI. Join us as we balance faith and innovation in this exciting new era of writing.

 Manuscript Critiques

Critique fee is $35.

Are you interested in taking your writing to the next level? A good way to determine if you are ready for publication is by submitting your manuscript for critique. Some shy away from having a manuscript evaluated, but if you are serious about improving your writing and achieving publication, a manuscript critique is an important step in the process. And it is a great way to learn what mistakes you are making in your writing. We look forward to helping you.


Critique Guidelines


Critique fee is $35.

* Critiques are available for both pre-published and published writers.

* You must register and pay for the conference in order to submit a manuscript for critique.

* The critique fee is $35.00 per manuscript and includes comments on your manuscript and a 15-minute appointment with your critiquer. You will need to request an appointment from the critiquer.

* Manuscript format: double spaced, (unless noted below), Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font, one side of the paper. Do not bold, italicize, or use all caps for emphasis.

* Please submit your manuscript prior to the conference via email to the critiquer of your choice. The list of critiquers will be added below by February 1, 2024. You will pay the critiquer directly. You must be registered for the conference in order to request a critique and the critique fee must be paid directly to the critiquer before they begin your critique. Please revisit this page for the complete list of names of critiquers, availability and deadlines.

* Submissions must fit the following criteria. If submissions are longer than the specified guidelines, the critique will not extend beyond the amount listed below.

Devotions: (limit of three – no longer than two pages each)

Poetry: three poems or three pages

Articles: up to 1500 words

Nonfiction book: outline and first 10 pages

Nonfiction book proposal: single spaced complete proposal

Novel: single spaced synopsis (no more than two pages) and first 10 pages (a prologue is included in this page count)

Novel proposal: single spaced proposal and synopsis

Short stories (fiction): up to 2000 words

Personal experience story (nonfiction): up to 1500 words

Bible Studies: outline (single spaced) and up to 10 pages

Children’s picture book: entire book

Children’s chapter book: synopsis and up to 10 pages

Speaking Presentations: Include your notes for a speaking presentation double spaced, up to 45 minutes long. Include a brief description of the event. Be sure to include the time limit for the presentation, the age and demographics of the audience (if you know it), and one sentence that describes your goal for your speech. Feel free to include notes about  intentional gestures, pauses, as well as other non-verbal dynamics related to your delivery

Manuscripts that include sexually explicit material or profanity will not be accepted for critique.

Deadline for critique submissions is up to the critiquer and will be listed beside his or her name. Most critiquers have limited the number of manuscripts they will critique so you are urged to send your submissions ahead of the deadline.

Below is a list of critiquers and their cutoff dates

Name Cut Off Genre E-Mail Address

Terri Kelly

 Mar 1

Childrens Picture Books

Childrens Chapter Books

Linda Gilden

Mar 4


Larry J Leech II Mar 5 Memoirs, All Genres of Fiction (5)
Candy Arrington Mar 4 devos, personal essays, articles (6)
Beth Patch Devotions (2 -3)


Cindy Sproles Mar 1 devotions, novels (2 – 3)
Cherri Cowell Mar 1 All Genres (4)

Edie  Melson Mar 1

fiction, nonfiction, proposals, social media presence, website/blog (5)
Lori Hatcher Mar 1

Blog posts, devotions, non-fiction articles, speaking presentations (5)

Tammy Karasek


Mar 1

Romance, Contemporary,  Women’s Fiction (2)  Devotions (4), websites/blogs (4), nonfiction (2)
Rhonda Robinson Mar 5 Nonfiction, articles, websites/blogs, social media

  Katy Kauffman


Mar 5

Bible Studies (up to 3)

Edwina Perkins          Mar  2              Novels,  Short Stories, Devotionals,                     

Manuscripts needing review for sensitivity with diversity, (5)


Professional Headshots

Julie Wojcik Photography, will be on site Friday and Saturday as your headshot photographer

Headshot Information


Julie Wojcik

Julie Wojcik is a lifelong artist with a focus in painting but has spent years honing her passion for photography throughout her career.  After owning and operating a successful photography studio for thirteen years, Julie shifted her focus to administration in both private and government entities.  She now continues her love of photography in a freelance capacity.

Perhaps it is time for a new professional headshot/portrait for your book jackets, business cards, advertising, social media, promotional releases, blogs and websites. Carolina Christian Writers Conference is pleased to provide an opportunity for you to do just that.

Julie Wojcik Photography will be available during the conference to meet your headshot and portrait needs. Julie will be our on site photographer to provide professional headshots at a reasonable price.  Sessions run for 15 – 30 minutes, full resolution headshots with different poses. Headshot costs are $50.00 for 1 head, $85.00 for 2, or $100.00 for 3 different headshots.  Within your session time, clothing changes are acceptable, as are props (If you want to chnge clothes, please schedule two 15 minute appointment slots back-to-back).  Julie does ask that if you are including clothing changes and props, you let her know at the time of scheduling your photo session.  Retouching is available for additional costs. Payment will be at the time of your session via Venmo, Paypal, Zelle or cash.

Don’t wait to sign up!  Sessions will fill up quickly.  You can schedule an appointment by clicking on the following link

or you can contact Julie at to schedule your session or to ask any questions.


Meet Your

2024 CCWC Faculty

Becky Antkowiak

Recording Specialist

Becky Antkowiak is a writer, speaker, editor, adoptive homeschooling mom, Compassion sponsor and enthusiastic Grammar Floozy. A lifelong serial extrovert, Becky believes every stranger is a friend she hasn’t met. She founded the 540 Club, a free group for writers focused on sharpening writing skills, studying writing craft, and encouraging each other in the writing journey. Becky earned an English Bible MA from Capital Bible Seminary in 2000. When she’s not writing or finding ways to connect people, you can find her demolishing, rebuilding, and creating alongside Patrick, her best friend and husband of 20 years. You can find her at or via @beckyantkowiak on social media. 


Editing for Writers Who Think Editing Is a Pain

Editing for Writers Who Think Editing Is a Pain

love to write and think editing is for the birds. In fct, many writers wish they could just write without having to make all these changis editors want. Clearly, editors are crazy and deeply desire to make things difficult for writers. Writers just want to sit with their beloved laptops or pens and yellow legal pads or pencils and paper or a marker and napkin to write the story in their hearts. But, no…..with little concern for the writer, an editor rips the manuscript to shreds. We’re pretty sure we heard them laughing when they sent back the document. (I hope you read this far. Above is a terrible, unedited paragraph. Every sentence needs specific corrections. Do you know how to fix the issues?) Join us for a not-so-boring editing workshop with takeaways you can, well, take away. We’ll discuss levels of editing, talk about how to make editing less of a pain in the patootie, and even do a little writing/editing. Also, we’ll have chocolate.

Building Story Worlds Part 2: Character histories and habits, and theme

Introvert-friendly Networking Session

Introvert-friendly Networking Session

Do you ever feel overwhelmed at a conference? How do you find your people in a crowd? This popular INTROVERT-FRIENDLY networking session is just what you need (extroverts are also welcome)! We’ll help you painlessly build a list of contacts you can message after the conference—on your own schedule. Each attendee receives a special worksheet for other attendees to list their info. You don’t even have to say a word if you’re done “vert-ing” for the day. Just hand someone your sheet, and they’ll hand over theirs. Each participant will find a slot, fill in the requested info, and hand the paper back to the owner. (Extroverts, you’re welcome to start as many conversations as you like, as long as you keep filling out the forms.) When you’re finished, put your sheet somewhere safe. About a week after the conference—or whenever you’re ready—pull out the sheet and send a quick note or friend request to your new contacts. You might just find your writing BFF!

Candy Arrington

Writer, Blogger, and Speaker

Candy Arrington is a writer, blogger, and speaker. She frequently writes on the topics of faith, health, personal growth, and methods for moving through, and beyond, challenging life circumstances. Candy’s publishing credits include three nonfiction books: Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well (Bold Vision Books), When Your Aging Parent Needs Care (Harvest House), AFTERSHOCK: Help, Hope, and Healing in the Wake of Suicide (B & H Publishing Group), as well as hundreds of articles and devotionals in numerous print and online outlets—Focus on the Family,,,,,,,, and Writer’s Digest.

Candy gains writing inspiration from vintage photographs, historic architecture, nature, and the application of scripture to everyday life. She enjoys teaching at writing conferences, guiding writers in how to best craft their ideas to experience publishing success.

To learn more, visit where you can read and sign up to receive her blog, Forward Motion – Moving Beyond What Holds You Back.


Organizing and Fleshing Out Your Nonfiction Book Idea

Organizing and Fleshing Out Your Nonfiction Book Idea

 Do you have an idea for a nonfiction book? An idea is the seed, but you need to be able to build a framework and then flesh out the book bones to successfully produce book-length nonfiction. In this workshop, we will discuss book titles, overarching themes, passion for the topic, honing your idea, producing an annotated outline, and adding structure, story, and content. Time permitting, we will select several ideas and brainstorming potential paths for creating an attention-grabbing nonfiction book.

Tackling Tough Topics

Tackling Tough Topics

Do you feel compelled to write about a difficult life circumstance? If so, you have the opportunity to reach those who are hurting, feel alienated and alone, and are searching for ways to heal their pain. But if you are writing from personal experience, it’s important to make sure you are ready to write and not still processing your hurt. Also crucial is how to structure your content, what to include and what to omit. In this workshop, learn methods to craft your tough topic and write with a level of transparency that touches hearts and inspires hope.

Jessica Brodie

Contest Director

Jessica Brodie is an award-winning journalist, author, blogger, editor, writing coach, and devotional writer with thousands of articles to her name. Since 2010, she has served as the editor of the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate, the oldest newspaper in Methodism, which has won 123 journalism awards during her tenure. Her latest book is Preparing Our Hearts: An Advent Devotional to Draw Closer to God at Christmas.

She has won more than 100 writing awards and is a seasoned speaker and frequent contributor to,, and, among many others. She has a weekly faith blog at and is part of the team at Wholly Loved Ministries, with her work included in many of their devotionals and Bible studies.

 You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and more. She’s also produced a free eBook, A God-Centered Life: 10 Faith-Based Practices When You’re Feeling Anxious, Grumpy, or Stressed.

Brodie holds a Master of Arts in English, and she graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in communications/print journalism from Florida International University. Born and raised in Miami, Brodie now lives in Lexington, South Carolina, just outside Columbia. She has also lived in Ohio and in the mountains of western North Carolina. She and her husband, Matt Brodie, have a blended family of four teenage children and stepchildren.

Brodie has written several novels and is actively seeking publication through her agent Bob Hostetler of The Steve Laube Agency. Her novel The Memory Garden won the 2018 Genesis contest for Contemporary Fiction from American Christian Fiction Writers, and her novel Tangled Roots won a third place Foundation Award in Contemporary Romance at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in 2019.

Reels, Shorts, and TikToks: A How-To Guide to Boost Your Reach

Reels, Shorts, and TikToks: A How-To Guide to Boost Your Reach

Have you seen Instagram or Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, or TikToks and thought, “I should try that!” Short-form videos are a terrific way to capture someone’s attention and drive traffic to your profile—and your book or ministry. Join Jessica Brodie as we unpack how to create a reel that’s efficient, effective, and engaging, ultimately boosting your reach. Bring your smartphone and get ready for a hands-on tutorial. 

Andy Clapp



Andy is an author, a pastor, and speaker who loves to shared the message of the cross. As God has proven the power of the cross in Andy’s life, he looks to share that message with a world that is in need of hope, longing for redemption, desperate for life. Andy is the Senior Pastor at Mt. Zion Baptist Church and is represented by Cyle Young of Cyle Young Literary Elite.

 Andy was born and raised in Liberty, North Carolina. After graduating from Southern Alamance High School, he attended the University of Mount Olive, where he played tennis. Andy is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree at Liberty University. He is married to Crystal and has two beautiful daughters, Cheyenne and Autumn, and one son, Brady.

 Andy is a Christian writer, his work having appeared in newspapers, magazines, and online for the past thirteen years. As an author, he wrote a Christian men’s book “Under the Lights: Living Their Faith with Everyone Watching” and a novel, Midnight, Christmas Eve.

Sometimes, Two is Better Than One

Sometimes, Two is Better Than One

In this class, we look at the world of co-authoring. Taught by Andy Clapp, who has co-authored multiple award-winning books. We identify how to partner with another writer, how to choose who to write with, what to write about, and how co-authoring can help you get published more efficiently. Andy will lead you through the ins and outs of co-authoring and highlight the joys, as well as the dangers to be on the lookout for as you write with others. This class will help you identify the projects that you can turn from ideas into finished projects with the help of a friend. Please bring an idea for a project to the class with you and he will give you insight.

Cheri Cowell


Cheri Cowell is the owner/publisher for EABooks. She is both a traditionally and independently published author, is the award-winning author of 365 Devotions for Peace (Zondervan), and Parables and Word Pictures Bible study (AMG Publishers). Her other books include Direction: Discernment for the Decisions of Your Life (Beacon Hill), and the One Story, One Mission, One God Bible study. She’s published over 700 articles and countless devotions. With her experience as an author and as a publisher, Cheri has a unique approach and grace when working with authors to bring their dreams to reality.

One Stormy Night…Happily Ever After

One Stormy Night…Happily Ever After

Learn how to write beginnings that will grab the reader from the first line, use transitions that will carry your reader through every point, and still end with a wiz-bang punch, not simply a period. The handouts alone make this class a must-take.

What Makes A Book Look Self-Published

What Makes A Book Look Self-Published

Learn the mistakes, how to avoid them, and how to make your book stand out (in a good way). Whether you choose to self-publish or just want to learn how to look more professional, this workshop will give you the inside look from an editor and publisher.

Using the Pyramid Method to Write Winning Articles Every Time

Using the Pyramid Method to Write Winning Articles Every Time

How do writers turn out one winning article after another? They have a formula. Learn how to use the article pyramid to turn out publisher-approved articles like the pros. 

Jimmie Davis


Jimmie Davis has served as the editorial Ministry Assistant to Dr. Don Wilton at First Baptist Church, Spartanburg, S.C. from 2012 to the present. Jimmie is also the author of Virtual You, the Girls’ Ministry Handbook, and the Girls’ Ministry Idea Book for Lifeway.  She has contributed to several women’s ministry books for Lifeway and has written numerous articles. The highlight of her editing ministry has been assisting in Dr. Wilton’s book, Saturdays with Billy: My Friendship with Billy Graham, published by Thomas Nelson.


Making Your Writing More Marketable

Making Your Writing More Marketable

Is your writing invisible or remarkable? Is there a demand for your book or is it collecting dust in your trunk? This is not a marketing workshop, but a tool for measuring the marketability of your book. Is your book in demand because it meets a deep need in the lives of people? Are you willing to do what it takes to write a book that is the highest quality? Join Jimmie in discovering the steps it requires to answer these questions and more.


Lynette Eason

Author and Agent

Lynette Eason is the bestselling, award-winning author of over fifty books including the Women of Justice series, the Deadly Reunions series, the Hidden Identity series, the Elite Guardians series and the Blue Justice series. She writes for Revell and for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense line. Her books have appeared on the CBA, ECPA, and Publisher’s Weekly bestseller lists. She has won several awards including the Carol Award, the IRCC award, the Selah, and the Christian Retailing’s Best Award. She placed in the top ten in the James Patterson 2016 co-writer contest. The movie, Her Stolen Past, based on Lynette’s novel with the same title, aired February 2, 2018, on the Lifetime Movie Network. Lynette is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Romance Writers of America (RWA), Mystery Writers of America (MWA), International Thriller Writers (ITW), and Faith, Hope, and Love (FHL) chapter of RWA as well as the Kiss of Death (KOD) chapter. Lynette can be found online at and and @lynetteeason on Twitter.


Do I Really Need an Agent

Do I Really Need an Agent .

Dr. Edna Ellison


Dr. Edna Ellison, a humorist, poet, and storyteller known as “the Christian mentoring guru,” lives in Spartanburg, SC. Former editor of a national Christian women’s magazine. Royal Service, she later served a denominational consultant, speaker, and writer in Alabama, and California. A past president of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Edna has been a keynote speaker in London, Frankfort, Germany, Panama City, Panama, and other world class cities. An honor graduate of Presbyterian College, SC, in BA in British Literature, Converse College, SC a MAT in Teaching; and a Ph.D. From the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa: Ph.D in Education.

She has spoken and led writing conferences in almost every US state, including Alaska and Hawaii. An award-winning poetry and writing teacher on the high school, college, and post-graduate level, Edna is the author and co-author of over 45 books and over 400 magazine articles. Her life has been featured in a Focus on the Family magazine, where she has also been published. A people-lover, she also loves teaching, Bible studies, editing, and leading prayer retreats- and most of all, playing tennis or golf with her granddaughter, Blakely.

To contact Edna:  or


Oops and Uh-Oh

Oops and Uh-Oh

Though you’ve noticed this planet has suffered from pandemic-sized issues, such as Covid-19 (including SARS, a pre-”super bug,” and more “after-variants” than we can count)—not to mention the other prominent respiratory diseases like the flu, and other anti-immune varieties flaming into their annual episodes—the last three years have provided markets in surprising new arenas for writers and poets. Follow others into this workshop, which focuses on poets who want to take advantage of the “long-haul” symptoms of loneliness and emotional trauma and touch the hearts of your audience in novel ways.
Surfacing from the pile of dead bodies and left over “junk” we’ve seen with our own eyes (“Shingles, anyone?” Who would think the chicken pox from long ago would attack us now!), this group will help you find Zoom and several different avenues of sharing and marketing your poetry. Our aim is to bring fresh life to the community and celebrate living ideas for the growth of variants in poetry.
Bring a page of your own poetry to share with others in the group. (Feel free to bring extra copies.) Jump in and learn from handouts of information, where you can glean new ways to highlight your talent. Open your heart to a hurting world and open your wallet to hold your added income.

Linda Gilden – Director, Carolina Christian Writers Conference


Linda Gilden is an experienced writer, speaker, editor, and writing coach. Author of the popular Love Notes series, Mommy Pick-Me-Ups, Called to Write, Why You Do What You Do, Words To Live By, and many ghostwritten books, and with hundreds of magazine articles to her credit, Linda Gilden loves to share a great story.

A national speaker on the training staff of CLASSEMINARS, Inc., Linda enjoys helping others discover and grow their communication skills. She teaches at national writers conferences and “Writing to Expand Your Ministry” in the Women’s Ministry Degree Program at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. A wife, mother, and grandmother, Linda’s favorite times are those spent with her family. Linda finds tremendous joy in directing the Carolina Christian Writers Conference and the CLASS Christian Writers Conference in NM.


Articles, Articles, Articles!
Learn the basics of magazine article writing in this information-packed class. Topics addressed will include how to break in to the magazine market, where to find marketable ideas, how to study the markets to find a perfect fit for your manuscript, contemporary article format, and much more. Discover how to make the most of your research by repurposing it for other articles and books. Find out how to give editors what they want so that your work stands out from the slush pile. Network with other writers for research as well as for encouragement and fellowship and use article placement as a successful marketing tool.

Linda Goldfarb 


Linda Goldfarb is a multi-award-winning author, renowned speaker, board-certified life coach, and host of the popular podcasts “Your Best Writing Life” and “Staying Real About Faith & Family.” With a voice that instantly makes you feel welcome, safe, and understood, Linda is the kind of person you can’t help but be drawn to.

Alongside her husband, Sam, Linda is the proud parent of four amazing children, numerous grandchildren, and one adorable great-grandson. They reside on the outskirts of the picturesque Texas Hill Country with their two loving rescue pups, MeMe and DJ. With over 38 years of adventure-filled marriage, Linda attributes their thriving relationship to a combination of faith, humor, and a deep understanding of personality.

Are you eager to discover your next best step with God? 

Linda is here to provide professional teaching, helping you overcome barriers, amplify your strengths, and achieve the fulfilling life you were destined to live as a writer and speaker.


Podcasting: Take Your Talk to the Next Level

Podcasting: Take Your Talk to the Next Level

Before you step behind the mic, gain an insider’s insight into the world of podcasting—shorten your learning curve before investing your finances.

This workshop answers these four questions:

What benefits does podcasting offer writers and speaker?

Why Host a Podcast opposed to guesting on one? 

Is Hosting a Podcast Your Next Best Step? 

What Necessities Are Best for New Podcasters?

How to Prepare Your Manuscript for Audiobook Success

How to Prepare Your Manuscript for Audiobook Success

As an audiobook narrator, Linda evaluates books for audio options on a regular basis. 

In this session you will learn her top tips of what to add, what to leave out, and how to help your narrator, to get your manuscript on the path to being a successful audiobook.

Lori Hatcher – Chaplain


Lori Hatcher is an author, blogger, writing instructor, women’s ministry speaker, and career dental hygienist. She writes for Our Daily Bread, Guideposts, Revive Our Hearts, and Lori’s written five devotionals, including Refresh Your Hope, 60 Devotions for Trusting God with All Your Heart, which released on January 3. Her legacy book, 100 Moments with God for Couples, co-authored with her husband, released this spring. Lori’s a Toastmasters International Contest-winning speaker (ACG, ALB) and has encouraged women’s ministry groups as far away as Mexico and Japan. She and her husband live delightfully close to their four grandchildren in Lexington, South Carolina. Connect with her at


Royalties, Revenue, and Records – 12 Tips for Handling the Business Side of Writing

Royalties, Revenue, and Records – 12 Tips for Handling the Business Side of Writing

Some writers think they have to make money before they have to keep records, but accurate record keeping should begin long before. In this super-practical workshop, Lori Hatcher will share twelve tips for handling the business side of writing. She’ll help you streamline your writing and financial record keeping, share best practices, identify tax-deductible expenses, and help you become a better manager of the writing and financial resources God has entrusted to you.

20 Insider Secrets to Writing a Best-selling Non-Fiction Book

20 Insider Secrets to Writing a Best-selling Non-Fiction Book

Lori Hatcher has learned from others, written three (so far) bestselling non-fiction books, and loves to teach others what she’s learned. In this infinitely practical workshop, Lori will share 20 of the most useful tips she’s uncovered to help you write a best-selling non-fiction book.

Tammy Karasek


Tammy Karasek uses humor and wit to bring joy and hope to every aspect in life. Her past, filled with bullying and criticism from family, drives her passion to encourage and inspire others and show them The Reason to smile. She’s gone from down and defeated to living a “Tickled Pink” life as she believes there’s always a giggle wanting to come out! 

She’s a writer of Romantic Suspense—with a splash of sass. Her debut book, Launch That Book, released in November 2023. She’s published in a Divine Moments Compilation Book—Cool-inary Moments. Also, she’s a writing team member for The Write Conversation, The Write Editing, Blue Ridge Conference Blog, and more.

Known as The Launch Team Geek, she helps authors launch their books. You’ll also find her as a Virtual Assistant for several best-selling authors, the Social Media Manager for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, Founding President of ACFW Upstate SC, and Founding President of Word Weavers Upstate SC. Connect with Tammy at




Street Teams and Launch Teams – Do You Need Them?

Street Teams and Launch Teams – Do You Need Them?

I will explain the differences between these two groups and if you need them. Hint—yes! The majority of the class will focus on Launch Teams. I have participated in over 300 Launch Teams since 2011 when I began reviewing books for launches with WaterBrook Multnomah, a division of Penguin Random House Publishers. I remain on their team to this day. I’ve worked for other publishing company launch programs as well.

From my experience I now run my own Launch Team business working directly for authors and their Launch Teams. I’ve managed authors’ Teams myself and also helped other authors organize their Launch Teams. I have been on teams that were extremely successful and some that were not. From those experiences, I want to take some of the stress of having a launch team off of the writer’s shoulders.

With more understanding and an actionable plan, I aim to give you the tools to either lead your own team or should you desire to hire a Launch Team Manager, the items you need to request be done by the manager and the Launch Team itself.

Virtual Assistant: Need One? Be One?

Virtual Assistant: Need One? Be One?

You’ve moved from a hobby writer, to a full-fledged writer, congratulations! Yet, now you find you need to do more than write the stories, blog posts or devotions. The responsibility to build readership through social media, newsletters, and more may overwhelm you. With your busy schedule, it comes down to write or build your readership and followers.

At this point in your writing career, you may need a Virtual Assistant, or VA. A VA can wear many hats from Admin to Graphic Designer and so much more. Whether you need a little assistance or a lot, to know when you reach the point of extreme overload is important.

In this class, I will share what I do daily as a VA for several authors and the work as the BRMCWC Social Media Manager. I’ll share ideas to assist you in your decision to hire a VA for yourself. 

But wait, do you have skills that others could use should you decide to offer services as a VA? My presentation may spark an idea for you to make some side-gig money for your writing expenses! I’ll talk about the business side of a Virtual Assistant, too.

Katy Kauffman

Magazine Editor

Katy Kauffman is an award-winning author, an editor of Refresh Bible Study Magazine, and a co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies. She loves connecting with writers, working alongside them in compilations and magazine issues, and hearing about their work.

Although Katy cannot attend the conference in person this year, she will take private appointments via Zoom the week after the conference. She can gather names of potential contributors to Refresh, provide information about the magazine, and collect articles for the 2024 issues. Find the magazine guidelines on this page:

In addition to taking appointments for Refresh, Katy can give feedback on book ideas and brainstorm marketing strategies. You can sign up for her Zoom appointments during the normal sign-up time at the conference. Katy is also available for critiques—for up to three people’s writing. (Deadline is March 5.)

She loves encouraging writers and giving them writing tips in The Lighthouse Connection, a quarterly newsletter for Bible-based writers. Discover more at



Terri Kelly 

Author , Manuscript Coordinator and Appointment Scheduler

Terri Kelly is the author of Ida Scudder Missionary Doctor and Mary Slessor Missionary Mother. As a writer, she has contributed to multiple compilations, including Divine Moments, Stupid Moments, Additional Christmas Moments, Faith and Family, and Spirit and Heart. In addition to numerous online publications, she has published articles in multiple magazines including, Clubhouse, WHOA Magazine, Kids’Ark Magazine, and Asheville Lifestyles. Terri teaches at writing conferences and is assistant director of the Asheville Christian Writers Conference. Follow Terri at:
Instagram: @terri.b.kelly Twitter: @tkellyteaches Facebook: Terri Kelly


Larry J. Leech II

Bold Vision Books Editor in Chief

Editor-in-Chief at Bold Vision Books and writing coach of award-winning authors, Larry has spent more than 40 years working with words. After a 23-year journalism career that began in 1981 and 2,300 published articles, Larry moved into freelance writing and editing in 2004. He has ghostwritten 30 books, edited more than 400 manuscripts, and his freelance clients have won more than 70 awards. Larry teaches at numerous conferences nationwide and can be found online on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


Your Publishing Plan
Your Publishing Plan

Those entering publishing often shiver, quiver, and shake their heads because there’s so much to learn in so little time. Fret not. In this workshop, we’ll equip you with necessary knowledge to keep you on the road to a successful career as. We’ll discuss how to establish contacts and grow a freelance business, maintain a healthy editing schedule and regularly make deadlines, and properly and quickly research information, as well as discuss a few editing shortcuts.

Wendy Leech


Wendy Leech has served in the magazine publishing industry for over thirty years. Specializing in managing production and design teams, Wendy is creatively organized. Volunteering at writers conferences is a passion as she delights in helping writers connect and flourish. Wendy has been married to Larry J. Leech II for 20+ years. They recently moved to Upstate South Carolina to be close to their son, daughter-in-law and new granddaughter.


Edie Melson



Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers experiencing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking about faith, writing, or social media, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” Her reputation as an online expert is well-deserved. Her blog reaches thousands daily and has been on the Writer’s Digest Top 101 Sites for Writers since 2017. In her role as social media coach she’s worked with clients that range from authors and speakers to business and ministry leaders. Her bestselling eBook on this subject, has been updated, expanded and re-released with co-author DiAnn Mills as Social Media for Today’s Writer. She’s the director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, board member of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and author of numerous books. She’s quick to remind those she meets about the practical and personal applications of God’s infinite love. Visit her online at


Organization for Writers at All Levels

Organization for Writers at All Levels

Edie has been accused of being an expert multi-tasker. But the secret to getting things done lies in her ability to organize and prioritize her life. She shares all her best tips and tricks, from naming files to using blocks of time to accomplish more writing to making sure her priorities line up with God’s.

Social Media as a Ministry

Social Media as a Ministry.

Edie Melson helps writers turn the drudgery and frustration of social media upside down by treating it as an extension of your online ministry instead. Let her help you give your online presences a reboot as she shares how to serve those you interact with on social media and turn them into valuable email subscribers.

Beth Patch


Beth Patch manages and produces’s Spiritual Life channel, the inspirational section of the award-winning Christian website. She holds a Journalism Master’s from Regent University and a Communication Bachelor’s from the University of Virginia. She acquires, reviews, and approves all devotionals, Spiritual Life-themed articles, and biblical studies on She promotes the content via subscription emails and social media.



Writing Story-Based Devotions
Writing Story-Based Devotions

Equip the storyteller in you with tools to write engaging devotions. Who doesn’t remember Jesus’s story of the shepherd who leaves the 99 and goes in search of his one lost sheep? He often used parables to bring his great truths to light. Learn to bring your devotion writing to life in this workshop.

Edwina Perkins

Asst. Director/Managing Editor for Harambee Press

Edwina Perkins is the assistant director of Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. She is also the coordinator for Mentoring Moments and the manager for Sensitivity Between the Lines, both with Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. Edwina is the managing editor for Harambee Press, an imprint of End Game Press. As a longtime member of Word Weavers International, she now serves as a member of the advisory board. Edwina is an award-winning writer, experienced teacher, speaker, freelance editor, and a sensitivity reader and has been published in numerous publications. One of her passions is to address the need for sensitivity and diversity in the publishing industry. She is also known as Nona to two precious grandchildren.



The Importance of Fiction-Techniques in Non-fiction

The Importance of Fiction-Techniques in Non-fiction

Engage the reader from the first word. A great non-fiction book draws the reader in from the start. We’ll look at how some fiction-writing techniques can create more engaging and impactful nonfiction books.

The Importance of Your Pitch

The Importance of Your Pitch

Pitching your book is one of the most important things you’ll do as an author. A memorable pitch can help a book go a long way in a crowded marketplace. It’s a concise, one or two sentences used to sell your book to an editor, agent, and eventually to readers. This workshop will give tips on how to create a killer pitch.

Debbie Presnell


Debbie Presnell’s career has spanned four decades of teaching — from elementary school to higher education, where she trained future teachers. She is a member of Gardner-Webb University’s Gallery of Distinguished Alumni, a published author, national speaker, and Bible study teacher. She is also the United States spokesperson for Mukti Mission in India where she partners with Mukti Mission US to bring hope, healing, and life to women and children of India.

Debbie has authored five books:

  • Shine! Radiating the Love of God — A Bible Study Designed for Young Women in Middle School and High School
  • Shining Through the Psalms — A 150- Day Devotional Journey
  • Shine On! 30 Biblical Principles for Radiant Living
  • Shining Through James—Living the Journey that Doesn’t Make Sense
  • Believing God’s perspective, Design, and Purpose for Women, A Six-Week Bible Study Based on Psalm 144:12

Additionally, her articles have been published in the Divine Moments series and on She is a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA). 

Debbie is founder and president of Shine Camp and Conferences, Inc., a 501c (3) non-profit organization, whose mission is to use biblical principles to encourage women of all ages to embrace their identity in Christ, fulfill their purpose, impact the community, and shine!

Debbie and her late husband have three adult children, two sons-in-love, and three grandchildren. She loves both the mountains and the beach and spending time with her family.

For more information about Shine Camp for teen girls, weekend Shine Conferences for moms, daughters, and grandmothers, or Debbie’s speaking ministry to women, visit her website at Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube: Shine Every Day With Debbie. Email her at


Writing Bible Studies that Shine

Writing Bible Studies That Shine

Are you passionate about studying the Bible? Do you enjoy sharing with others the powerful lessons you learn in Scripture? Are you excited when others get excited? You might want to write Bible studies that encourage others on their faith journey. In this workshop we’ll discuss Bible study methods and strategies to make your study shine with a light that draws people into a closer relationship with Jesus.

Make the Most of Your Speaking Opportunity— 10 Ways to Capture a Listener’s Attention

Make the Most of Your Speaking Opportunity— 10 Ways to Capture a Listener’s Attention 

God has given you an extraordinary message. Your passion, excitement, and love for God is observable and lights up the room. Keep your message powerful, clear, timely, and free of distractions with these 10 speaker tips!

Rhonda Robinson

Manager, Content Producer, Focus on the Family

Rhonda Robinson is the manager and content producer for Focus on the Family’s Marriage and Parenting website pages. Beginning in the late 1990s, Rhonda’s work was featured in newspapers as a columnist on the social, political, and parenting issues impacting the family. Her voice later transitioned to articles and blogs for high-traffic Christian and conservative websites.

Rhonda’s true claim to fame comes from the titles of mother to nine and grandmother to 37. Currently, she resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with her high school sweetheart, as they settle into an empty nest


AI and the Future of AI in Writing (Friday Morning)
Unlocking the Mystery of Keywords: There is no magic, only power.

Whether you are writing the description of your book for Amazon, your back cover copy, blog posts, or online articles, keywords are how your readers find you. Understanding the algorithms of search engines, what they are searching for will allow you to be found when your readers don’t yet know your name.

In this workshop you will learn how to use keywords effectively. As a bonus, you will learn how to discover the felt needs of your readers through the keywords they are using and utilize the terminology into your writing.

Mae Frances Sarratt


Mae Frances Sarratt is an author, speaker, writing contest judge, Podcast guest, and Sunday school curriculum developer.

Her story, Purpose and Time, was featured in the January 2023 edition of All About Seniors Magazine. She has been a guest columnist for her local newspaper, The Gaffney Ledger, in 2022. Her newest project, “The Savvy Senior Connector”, a reference booklet for senior services in Cherokee County, South Carolina, and their families, will be published in 2023.

Mae Frances’ story, Doing it Alone, was featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul’s 2021 summer release, I’m Speaking Now. She has been a contributor to, Getting Old Ain’t for Wimps, by Karen O’Connor, and Candy Arrington’s, Life on Pause. Her article, Our Roller Coaster Ride, appeared in I Ascend magazine 2022.

Mae Frances has been a featured guest on several podcasts, including, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and The A.P. Murray African American Cultural Association Library of Congress. She has been a guest on her local radio stations, 1180 AM, WFGN, and 104.3, WZZQ FM.

Mae Frances is a graduate of Gardner Webb University, with a degree in Human Services, and a retired registered nurse with forty-three years of experience. She is a minister and often speaks at women’s retreats and senior centers.


Why this book? Why now?
Why this book? Why now?

What is your why behind your book? Is your timing right for your niche? Timing is everything. Traditional publishing can take up to two years before releasing a book. In this workshop we will cover timeless, and niche subjects.

Brad Simon


With a unique blend of storytelling and Bible exposition, Brad Simon has shared God’s Word for over forty-five years. His passion is to inspire and encourage Christians to grow in their faith and walk closer with the Lord. Brad is the author of the Encounters In Scripture devotional series and is the featured Bible Teacher on Monday Morning Inspiration podcast. He is also a frequent contributor to Refresh Bible Study Magazine and

Brad is a retired Master Jeweler. He relies on the God-given creativity that won him several national and international jewelry design awards to craft Biblical Narratives and Life Stories that are engaging and thought-provoking. Once a speaker, author, publisher, and trainer for the jewelry industry, now he is putting those skills to work to promote the beauty and appeal of God’s Word.

Originally from Illinois, Brad and his wife Debbie have made Spartanburg, SC, their home for the past twenty-eight years. They are proud parents of two sons (one married) and two grandsons. His one guilty pleasure is being an avid fan of St. Louis Cardinals baseball. Discover his Bible Teaching Ministry at:


AI Demystified

AI Demystified

AI has taken the writing world by storm. In this informative overview of AI, you will discover the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and how it can revolutionize your writing ministry. We will explore how AI can assist you to brainstorm ideas, research topics, overcome writer’s block, create marketing materials, and more. The seminar will underscore the importance of prompt crafting and ethical usage. Don’t miss discovering how this amazing technology can enhance your writing ministry.


Cindy Sproles


Cindy K. Sproles is an author, speaker, and conference teacher. She is the co-founder of, dedicated to spreading the Word of God daily through devotions, and offering writers their first writing credits. Cindy is the director of the Asheville Christian Writers Conference and a co-founder of Write Right Author Mentoring Services. With 20 years of experience under her belt, Cindy is a best-selling and award-winning author and was honored to receive the 2021 Novel of the Year from the Christian Market Book Awards. Proud of her mountain heritage, Cindy spins stories of the Appalachian Mountains where she was born and raised. She has served as a managing editor for two publishing companies and now works as a freelance editor. She travels nationwide teaching and speaking at writers conferences where she loves teaching new writers. Cindy can be reached at or via email at


The Storyteller in You

The Storyteller in You

Most anyone can write a story, but few can really take that story and TELL it on the page, so your readers can’t let go. We will talk about what makes a good story and the characters that stick with your reader. We’ll learn the skills needed to take your storytelling skills to the next level. The class will discuss adding dialect, emotion, and dealing gently with hard subjects. Conferees will discover the importance of a good hook and colorful description, pinging all the reader’s senses.

The Making of a Page-Turner

The Making of a Page-Turner

What makes your reader continue to flip the pages? What does it mean when a reader says, “It’s a fast read?” These are questions every writer needs to answer and understand. In this class, we discuss what a cliffhanger is, the types of cliffhangers (every cliffhanger is not a devasting thing), and how to add them at the end of every chapter. Learn about twists, how they pull the reader to the next page, and how they may even surprise you. If you are writing a novel, this class is a must.

Dawn Stephens

Acquisitions Editor and Marketing Coach with EABooks


Dawn is an award-winning author and illustrator; first and foremost, she is a Fruit Pot! In other words, she is a vessel through which the Potter has chosen to grow the fruit of the Spirit. It took a long time for her to discover that. She searched for purpose as a teacher, wife, mother, fundraising director, sales manager, and school principal. As God emptied and refilled her with new roles, she believed she had found the one thing He wanted her to be. Each time, she let the things she held define her. Eventually, she realized God was more concerned about what could grow through her. She shares her journey through a children’s book called The Little Pot. Her creator continues to bear fruit through the teacher resources, curriculum, illustrations, blogs, and children’s books, and now as an Acquisitions Editor and Marketing Coach with EABooks. You can learn more at and


Your Amazing Author Visit at Schools and Churches

Your Amazing Author Visit at Schools and Churches

Dawn learned what authors need after working for the world’s largest Christian publisher and coordinating author visits with famous authors like Bill Myers and Angel Hunt. Then, as a principal, she discovered what schools desire most when hosting an author. She’ll share her tricks of the trade and help you create your own author event packet to help you get more events, sales, and fans to your email list.

Gerry Wakeland
