Request Prayer
Pray now with someone who cares! Call 1.866.877.CARE anytime, 24/7!
Each week, our staff gets together as one body and prays specifically and individually over prayer requests that we receive. We believe in the power of prayer, and we care about your prayer needs!
To sign up to pray for your neighbors, visit Bless Every Home here.
I want to survive the racist threat and live to be at least 85 years old in the united states and that God is not the one who has told me to leave the united states in 3 years let me be able to live here for at least 40 years more. and i want to return to philadelphia to live there and I want brian fto be alive and i want to hear from him. i am homeless and i am pregnant for more than 15 months and that my babies are still alive and i want God to bring them to this world. i miss him and i am heart broken for him praying for miracle that he is still living and doing well in philadelphia. God please let me hear from him and take my fear away. thank you and may god bless you.