Request Prayer
Pray now with someone who cares! Call 1.866.877.CARE anytime, 24/7!
Each week, our staff gets together as one body and prays specifically and individually over prayer requests that we receive. We believe in the power of prayer, and we care about your prayer needs!
To sign up to pray for your neighbors, visit Bless Every Home here.
Request pray for men and my family.. I have health test coming up ..Praying for positive out come .. also pray for my with to be and her improving mental health and her ability to trust in God. And trust me in everything that I always have her best interest at heart and will be here here to support and help her. Also praying for a positive outcome in my favor for two legal matters I have .. praying for continued success at work and praying for more financial favor beyond measure.. praying that I can help or touch my customers in one way or another.. asking this in Jesus Crist holy name amen! God is Good all the time!