What Is MVMT?

Movement (MVMT) is our Wednesday night student worship experience. This is a powerful time of worship designed specifically for teenagers. It is the “open door” of our ministry. MVMT is a place where students can belong, whether they attend First Baptist or not. We create a safe, comfortable, engaging and challenging environment. MVMT is much more than a service. The experience begins at 6pm with food, games and community. All students in grades 6th through 12th are invited! It takes place each Wednesday in the Hangar.

How To Join The MVMT

Joining the MVMT is simple! All teenagers in the Spartanburg area are invited to join us each Wednesday night. The Hangar doors open at 6pm with tons of games and fun. Bring some money for food. If you’re coming for the first time, you’ll want to stop by the guest area for a gift. We’d love to meet you! The service begins at 7pm inside the auditorium. This will be an engaging worship service with music and teaching. MVMT ends at 8pm. We can’t wait to see you!