Good Reads for Mind & Soul
Keith Phillips, DMin, LPC, LPC-S
Satisfy Your Soul
by Dr. Bruce Demarest
Along with several reviews on this reading, I found it to be encouraging and to stimulate my thinking process about the soul. In light of the many far out and uncharacteristic paths some are taking toward spirituality, Dr. Demarest’s biblical and practical insight is refreshing. It is definably time well invested. Enjoy!
Your Mind Matters
by John Stott
This eighty-five page read abounds in the call for Christians to use their minds. God call us to worship, to serve, to pray, to forgive, and so forth, but He also call us to think. There is a reason why the world system makes the accusation that faith is mindless. This powerful and enlightening read will definitely give you something to think about and may possibly change your life.