We will MPACT the world, starting in Spartanburg, by pointing First Baptist Spartanburg toward a Christ-centered mission. The MPACT strategy is leading First Baptist Spartanburg to be Mobilized in missions by Partnering with other organizations to Alleviate Suffering, Communicate the Gospel, and Train disciple makers here in Spartanburg, in South Carolina, in the USA and across the world.

M is for Mobilize

We Believe our job is to mobilize the church for impact (Eph. 4:12). We pray that one day every member of First Baptist Spartanburg will be actively engaged in reaching our world for Christ. Mobilization includes prayer, giving, going, and sending. Christ said “The Gates of Hell will not overcome” His church. Obviously, we are to be on the attack, mobilized against the forces of darkness, striving to make disciples of every nation.

P is for Partner with others

Christ’s desire for His disciples was that we “all be one” as He and the Father were one (John 17:21). Intentional unity is one of our foundational values. The body of Christ is strengthened and the glory of God is made manifest when we all work together. We will partner with other believers, ministries, and churches locally and globally, as we seek to encourage complete and courageous living.

A is for Alleviate suffering

James said it well: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27) Every act of kindness shown to others is an act of kindness to our Lord (Matt. 25:40). We will use our gifts, talents, and abilities, and resources to address hunger, health, and homelessness in meeting the needs of people, we will demonstrate the love of Jesus.

C is for Communicate the Gospel

Everything we do is for the primary purpose of declaring Jesus Christ as Lord. We will take every opportunity to tell others about Jesus.

T is for Train disciple makers

We will train members of First Baptist Spartanburg to go out and train others to go out and train others…Well, you get the picture! 2 Tim. 2:2 gives us our marching orders: “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” Jesus’ strategy for reaching the world is every believer making disciples, each in their own way, empowered by the Holy Spirit, using the gifts God has given them.

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