Watch this short video as Pastor Mike leads us into a special time of prayer and fasting for our church. We hope you will join us in this time, and believe it will be a blessing to you, your family, our church, and our community.

Tuesdays, 12:00 NOON – 1:00 PM

FBS Sanctuary

We will be fasting lunch and gathering together in the Sanctuary to pray for God’s vision for our church. Anyone is welcome to join us during this time!



Each day, we are praying for God to show us His way for our church. Here are some prayer focus points to consider each day of the week as you fast and pray.



Monday, Dec 18

Pray for our missionaries who are serving the Lord around the world celebrating Christmas in very different ways. Pray for them as they miss family and friends especially during this time of year. Pray for their continued safety and for people to come to know you through them.


Tuesday, Dec 19

Pray for the future of FBS. Pray that the Lord would make clear the vision of this church. Pray for the leaders and councils and teams that will help make decisions for our campus in the coming months. Pray that the will of the Lord be done.


Wednesday, Dec 20

Pray for the homeless community of Spartanburg. Many come to our campus for refuge. Pray that they will feel the love of the Lord this time of year. Pray that they will take steps in the right direction to get off of the streets. Pray for safety and for shelter.


Thursday, Dec 21

Pray for our hearts and minds to be obedient to the Lord through giving. Pray for Christ followers to be like the wise men to give their precious gifts to the King of Kings. Work in our hearts Lord, help us to be obedient in giving not only with our tithes, but with our time and other resources.


Friday, Dec 22

Pray for fathers of every age – like Joseph – who are seeking to lead their families in a godly way. Pray for them to continue to provide and protect their families while pointing them to the Jesus in all things.

Saturday, Dec 23

Pray for mothers of every age- like Mary- who despite whatever circumstances they find themselves in, are seeking to raise their children in the ways of the lord. Pray for their strength, their nurturing nature, their loving kindness. Pray that they will point their families to Jesus through their love.


Sunday, Dec 24

Pray for followers of Christ to not miss the miracle of Christmas. Renew our hearts Jesus. Keep our focus on you. Thank you Jesus for coming to bring hope, love, peace and salvation to us all. Help us to share that good news to all people. Gloria! Emmanuel has come!


Monday, Dec 25

Pray for salvation today for the lost. Pray that this day, of all days this baby Jesus will become real to them. Pray for hearts to be changed forever and for God to work in all of our lives. Pray for miracles in lives. Jesus- God Saves.

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